Wednesday, February 27, 2019

IN the NEWS - Talk about a FALSE "Christ"

For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
Mark 13:22

"Self-styled Texas prophet and internet preacher Joshua Holmes, who went viral in recent months for his ministry theatrics that led many of his female followers to start calling him “Jesus in the
flesh," has been captured in leaked video recordings indulging in explicit sexual activity with two women who are not his wife.

Media personality Larry Reid, first reported on his show last Wednesday that he was sent the explicit recordings. The recordings have also been shared on Twitter and YouTube and with The Christian Post.

This is a sex tape. This is a sexual escapade captured on the phone,” Reid told his audience about the recordings.
Holmes, a flamboyant young minister, whom many critics have dismissed as a dangerous departure from orthodox Christianity, has been defended by his followers as “Jesus in the flesh” as he professes healings and "money miracles."   
Last month he was a featured guest of Bishop George G. Bloomer on the network where he delivered a vague prophesy about what 2019 would look like."