Saturday, February 9, 2019


Picture the scene, how radical these Green Leftist's are, and picture them getting the chance to join people who think they are doing God's will when the mark of the beast is implemented....think of the coercive government power they would unleash on opponent who don't co-operate, say with a day set aside to let the earth "rest"- La dauto si style....a FOMULA FOR PESECUTION...

"Democrats’ plans to counteract climate change will involve
massive government intervention” into Americans’ lives, one of the chief proponents admitted in an interview Thursday morning.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she has no qualms about acknowledging a so-called “Green New Deal” will mean unprecedented governmental intrusion into the private sector. Appearing on NPR, she was asked if she’s prepared to tell Americans outright that her plans involve “massive government intervention.”
As you know, congresswoman, one reason that people are politically conservative are skeptical of efforts to combat climate change is that it sounds to them like it requires massive government intervention, which they just don’t like,” Steve Inskeep asked.
Are you prepared to put on that table that, ‘Yes actually they’re right, what this requires is massive government intervention’?”
It does, it does, yeah, I have no problem saying that,” Ocasio-Cortez quickly replied.

Despite her Green New Deal including plans to
--remakeeverybuilding in the United States,
--impose Medicare-for-All,
--as well as a universal basic income, Ocasio-Cortez said her proposals are small compared to the crisis the world faces.
In her weekly press conference today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ducked two questions on the more radical components over Ocasio-Cortez’s plan. Asked twice about remodeling every building in the United States, as the plan calls for, Pelosi said, “I haven’t seen it,” before ending the press conference."
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Revelation 13:16