Saturday, February 2, 2019

IN the NEWS - China Plays Hardball

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:18
"The Chinese government is creating "church-free zones" around schools, prompting some believers to fear authorities are attempting to "sever the roots so that the next generation loses its faith.

Bitter Winter magazine, which reports on Christian persecution in China, said it recently obtained a copy of the document, titled "Implementation Plan on the Special Governance of Private Christian Gathering Sites" in the northern Shanxi Province.
Another document, issued by the Religious Affairs Bureau, states: "All private Christian gathering sites around universities and colleges, as well as on-campus activity sites, are to be shut down in accordance with the law. Criticism and (re)education of participating teachers and students is to be carried out by the school authorities."
Authorities are also requiring places of worship to submit the names of their youth members, leading some believers to question whether the government will use the information to affect their employment prospects."