Saturday, February 23, 2019

Hegel’s Dialectic & Society

And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord. 2 Chronicles 33:6

"Dialectic comprises three stages of development:
first, a thesis or statement of an idea, which gives rise to a second step,
a reaction or antithesis that contradicts or negates the thesis,
and third, the synthesis, a statement through which the differences between the two points are resolved."

"Hegel’s 19th century pattern for “group thinking” denied God’s absolute truths and trained people to adapt to “continual change” and group consensus.

By the year 2000, it had been embraced by schools, corporations, community organizations, mainline churches, and political structures throughout America.
Through the global media, people around the world have caught Hegel’s vision of spiritual synthesis—an enticing blend of spiritual illusions and practices that appeal to our capricious human nature.

Hegel studied alchemy, Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), and theosophy, which were all influenced by the heretical teachings of Gnosticism. He “read widely on Mesmerism, psychic phenomena, dowsing, precognition, and sorcery. He publicly associated himself with known occultists . . . and aligned himself, informally, with ‘Hermetic’ societies such as the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians” and embraced their symbolic systems of sacred circles, mystical triangles and astrological signs.
Considering Hegel’s occult connections, it’s not surprising that his teachings would undermine biblical faith and all opposing facts. Nor is it strange that the postmodern (or some now say pseudo-modern) generation has been, by and large, inoculated and indoctrinated against genuine Christianity.

After all, Hegel’s revolutionary dialectic process was the center-piece and hallmark of Soviet brainwashing. It effectively purged God’s unchanging truths and filled the vacuum with evolving “truths” and enticing dreams.
While Communist leaders embraced Hegel’s process, they ignored his occult beliefs. In contrast, the Western world began to restore those pagan roots long before revolutionary baby-boomers began proclaiming and shouting out their demands for sensual freedom and earth-centered spirituality. In other words, the ’60s didn’t initiate this radical change; the turmoil of the ’60s was the result of the psycho-social program of “re-learning” which had begun to transform America decades earlier.
As the old moral and spiritual boundaries were torn down,
---the mainstream media preached tolerance and acceptance of all kinds of forbidden thrills.
Before long,
---occult secrets emerged from their centuries-old closets and claimed their place in mainstream entertainment.

Children truly are being bombarded by New Age spirituality at every turn, and it is happening on a level that is nothing short of epidemic."