Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Creation Moment 2/7/2019 - Ramifications of Piltdown Man Hoax

"Piltdown man was extremely influential in shaping evolutionary thinking and early research on human evolutionary theory.

--For the four decades before it was exposed, Piltdown man was considered the ‘missing link’.
--It was used as one of the key evidences against creation in the Scopes trial.
--It altered the education in the United States for a whole generation and found its way into major science textbooks and encyclopedias—and it was a hoax.

There were over 250 publications on Piltdown man alone! The implications for evolutionary theory were tremendous. Entire evolutionary-developmental theories about hominid evolution were based on Piltdown and many of those were demolished when the fraud was exposed. 250 publications! It would be nothing short of historical revisionism to downplay its significance." CMI
The foolishness of man perverteth his way... Proverbs 19:3