Saturday, February 2, 2019

Creation Moment 2/3/2019 - 1875 Microfilm Shows Biblical Creation Rewritten per Darwin Evolution

In the beginning God created.... Genesis 1:1

"A 144-year-old piece of microfilm shows how Biblical Creation in Genesis would be rewritten, and replaced, if 19th century Darwinian evolutionists had their way at the time.

The microfilm is so small, that it requires a laboratory microscope to read it. "It is about the size of a single snowflake," says Frank DeFreitas, a retired laser holographer.

DeFreitas is a collector of microscopic and nano-scale Biblical scripture and art. He lives in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

The microfilm was acquired by DeFreitas through a microscopical broker located in the United Kingdom. The U.K. is the 19th century birthplace of Charles Darwin, father of the theory of evolution.

DeFreitas says that he believes that it was used by its maker, a Mr. Edward Wheeler, as a curiosity during his lecture circuit. "Wheeler was a very successful manufacturer of high-end brass microscopes in the 19th century. His passion was lecturing, and he was very well known in England at the time."

Evolution was a hot topic during the time period of the microfilm. Especially well-attended debates between evolutionists and Biblical Creationists.

THE ACTUAL MICROFILM TEXT:Genesis Chapter 1 -- New Version -- A.D. 1875

1. PRIMARILY the Unknowable moved upon cosmos and evolved protoplasm.
2. And protoplasm was inorganic and undifferentiated, containing all things in potential energy; and a spirit of evolution moved upon the fluid mass.
3. And the Unknowable said, Let atoms attract; and their contact begat light, heat, and electricity.
4. And the Unconditioned differentiated the atoms, each after its kind; and their combinations begat rock, air, and water.
5. And there went out a spirit of evolution from the Unconditioned, and working in protoplasm, by accretion and absorption, produced the organic cell.

6. And cell by nutrition evolved germ, and germ developed protogene, and protogene begat eozoon, and eozoon begat monad, and monad begat animalcule.
7. And animalcule begat ephemers; then began creeping things to multiply on the face of the earth.
8. And earthly atom in vegetable protoplasm begat the molecule, and thence came all grass and every herb in the earth.
9. And animalcule in the water evolved fins, tails, claws, and scales; and in the air wings and beaks; and on the land they sprouted such objects as were necessary, as played upon by the environment.

10. And by accretion and absorption came the fadiata and molluscsa, and mollusca begat articulata, and articulata begat vertebrata.
11. Now these are the generation of the higher vertebrata, in the cosmic period that the Unknowable evoluted the bipedal mammalia.
12. And every man of the earth, while he was yet a monkey, and the horse while he was a hipparion, and hipparion before he was an oredon.
13. Out of the aseidian came the amphibian, and begat the pentadactyle; and the pentadactyle by inheritance and selection produced the hylobate, from which are the simiadae in all their tribes.
14. And out of the simiadae the lemur prevailed above his fellows, and produced the platyrhine monkey.

15. And the platyrhine begat the catarrhine, and the catarrhine monkey begat the anthropoid ape, and the ape begat the longimanous orang, and the orang begat the chimpanzee, and the chimpanzee evolved the what-it-is.
16. And the what-it-is went into the land of Nod and took him a wife of the longimanous gibbons.
17. And in process of the cosmic period were born unto them and their children the anthropomorphic primordial types.
18. The homunculus, the prognathous, the troglodyte, and autochthon, the teragem -- these are the generations of the primeval man.
19. And primeval man was naked and not ashamed, but lived in quadrumanous innocence, and struggled mightily to harmonize with the environment.
20. And by inheritance and natural selection did he progress from the stable and homogeneous to the complex and heterogeneous -- for the weakest died and the strongest grew and multiplied.

21. And man grew a thumb for that he had need of it, and developed capacities for prey.
22. For behold, the swiftest men caught the most animals, and the swiftest animals got away from the most men; wherefore the slow animals were eaten and the slow men starved to death.
23. And as types were differentiated the weaker types continually disappeared.
24. And the earth was filled with violence; for man strove with man, and tribe with tribe, whereby they killed off the weak and foolish and secured the survival of the fittest.

Anyone who would want to wipe out God's recording of beginnings would have no better place to do so that with the book of Genesis.
In it we have: The beginning of the earth (1:1-2:3); the beginning of man (1:26-2:25); the beginning of marriage (2:22-24); the beginning of sin (3:1-7); the beginning of salvation (3:8-24); the beginning of family (4:1-15); the beginning of civilization (4:16-21); the beginning of nations (10); the beginning of language (11:1-9); and the beginning of the Jews (12).