Friday, February 1, 2019

Creation Moment 2/1/2019 - Genetic Hardware / Software Simplified

"Research reveals gene regulation can be digital and stochastic (Science Daily). This article likens the genome to hardware,
and the epigenome to software.

It also likens the epigenome to a thermostat.
The digital part is the program that switches a gene on under specified conditions.
The stochastic (random) part is the probability that a switch will throw when the condition is reached; the stronger the condition, the higher the likelihood of response.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health:
Every cell in our body has the same set of genes, or genome, and can potentially become any type of cell. During development, the epigenome mediates the process that leads a cell to become a skin cell or a neuron, for instance. If the genome is like computer hardware, then the epigenome is the software that turns certain genes on and others off to give rise to a skin cell, and turns other genes on or off to set the cell on a path toward becoming a neuron." CEH

I will praise you
because I have been remarkably and wondrously made
Psalm 139:14 CSB