Monday, February 11, 2019

Creation Moment 2/11/2019 - Ironclad Rule of Evolution

O foolish people and unwise... Deuteronomy 32:6

"Scientific materialism has one ironclad rule:
No mind.
No God.
No supernatural intervention.
Stuff happens all by itself.
Thus restricted, materialists who may know a lot about chemistry may exhibit utter lack of logic.

Take Keith Cooper’s headline from Astrobiology Magazine: “Cleaning up the clutter: how proto-biology arose from the prebiotic clutter.

First, the protagonist in the story has to dispense with designing intelligence.
Just like the mythical creation stories that depict the formation of the world as the story of order from chaos, the early Earth was home to a chaotic clutter of organic molecules from which, somehow, more complex biological structures such as RNA and DNA emerged.
There was no guiding hand to dictate how the molecules within that prebiotic clutter should interact to form life. Yet, had those molecules just interacted randomly then, in all likelihood, that they would never have chanced upon the right interactions to ultimately lead to life.
“The question is, out of all the random possibilities, are there any rules that govern these interactions?” asks Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy, an organic chemist at the Scripps Research Institute in California.
Notice several things.
First, the people responsible for this story dismiss any “guiding hand” from square one. That’s an argument by assertion that merely reconfirms their commitment to atheism.
Second, they know that the current orderly world could not have emerged by randomness (thus the need for “rules that govern” mindless molecules. They have their work cut out for them.
No mind; no guidance; just laws of nature (rules).

These rules would be selective, inevitably leading to the right interactions for assembling life’s building blocks. To unlock the secrets of these rules and how the prebiotic clutter transitioned to the biologically ordered world of life, Krishnamurthy utilizes a discipline called “systems chemistry,”

All we have been told so far as that clutter added to clutter creates a system. Tell that to your teenager." CEH