Saturday, February 16, 2019

ARCHAEOLOGY: Geo-Politics that impacted Ashkelon

Were some of these men in Ashkelon during Biblical events?...a glimpse at the geo-politics of the day...

And the Spirit of the LORD came upon him, and he went down to Ashkelon, and slew thirty men of them, and took their spoil,... Judges 14:19

"The 14-inch tall limestone frieze was originally found in 1878 in the village of Beyköy, about 21 miles north of Afyonkarahisar in modern Turkey, and contained the longest known hieroglyphic inscription from the Bronze Age.

The inscription was commissioned by Kupanta-Kurunta, the Great King of Mira, a Late Bronze Age state in western Asia Minor,” Dr. Zangger said.
When Kupanta-Kurunta had reinforced his realm, just before 1190 BC, he ordered his armies to storm toward the east against the vassal states of the Hittites.”
After successful conquests on land, the united forces of western Asia Minor also formed a fleet and invaded a number of coastal cities in the south and southeast of Asia Minor, as well as in Syria and Palestine.”
Four great princes commanded the naval forces, among them Muksus from the Troad, the region of ancient Troy.”
The Luwians from western Asia Minor advanced all the way to the borders of Egypt, and even built a fortress at Ashkelon in southern Palestine.”
According to the inscription, the Luwians from western Asia Minor contributed decisively to the so-called Sea Peoples’ invasions — and thus to the end of the Bronze Age in the eastern Mediterranean,” he said."