Saturday, February 23, 2019

3 Events of the Real "Catastrophism"

With neo-catastrophism they are inching closer towards the Biblical Flood....
...the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11

"The inadequacies of strict uniformitarianism have become increasingly obvious in recent years so that a great many of the more recent geologists have been promoting what they call “neo-catastrophism.”

It has become generally recognized that even the ordinary processes of sedimentation and fossilization must often have at least a semi-catastrophist basis, requiring rapid deposition and burial under conditions seldom encountered in the modern world. Many geologists today are arguing for the occurrence of several large-scale geological catastrophes (region-wide floods, asteroid bombardments, vast volcanic outflows, sudden climatological shifts, etc.) as significant in deciphering earth history. In fact, more and more modern geologists are realizing that very few, if any, of the ordinary geological formations can be explained in terms of the slow and relatively steady processes of the present.

Evolutionists sometimes try to use Occam’s razor to refute catastrophism, arguing that catastrophes are less likely than uniform processes.
Occam’s razor would seem to cut the other way.
Since large catastrophes are now being acknowledged anyhow, it might be argued that one great catastrophe would be more likely than many such events.

The major elements of the Biblical framework, within which all data should be organized, are three great recorded facts of history.
These events are:
(1) the Creation;
(2) the Fall; and
(3) the Flood.

Each of these three affected the entire globe.
If they really occurred, as the Bible unequivocally teaches, then to deny or ignore them locks geologists into a drastically false (or at least unprovable and very improbable) reconstruction of earth history.

The fact of a real Creation; out of nothing but the power of the eternal God, is fundamental to any form of theism and especially to Christian theism.

For if anything at all has really been created, that substance must necessarily have been created with some “appearance of age.”  Denial of the possibility of the creation of “apparent age,” (or “apparent functioning maturity”) amounts to denial of the possibility of any genuine creation at all and thus essentially amounts to atheism (which is itself a “religious” perspective).

The second basic fact around which historical data must be organized is that of the great Curse on the earth following man’s Fall.

According to the revelation given by God, the original creation was, in every respect, “very good” (Genesis 1:31). There was nothing bad, out of balance, or out of harmony—no suffering, no struggle for survival and, above all, no death in the world. --According to the apostle Paul, “by man came death” (I Corinthians 15:21).
--When man first sinned, God pronounced the great Curse, not only on man but also on his whole dominion, the earth and everything in it. This Curse primarily involves the principle of decay and death. The “whole creation” is now in the “bondage of corruption” (that is, “decay”), according to Romans 8:21-22.
There is, everywhere, a natural tendency toward disintegration and ultimate death.
This Biblical doctrine is firmly supported by the second law of thermodynamics. This law, which like the first law, is as strongly proved as any fact of science, states that, in any closed system, there is a natural increase of disorganization, or an increase in entropy (or disordered randomness).
Everything therefore at least tends to wear out, to grow old, to run down, and finally to approach a state of death. Obviously this law flatly contradicts the notion of evolution, which assumes that everything naturally tends to become more orderly and highly organized (or at least that is what has happened if evolution has really proceeded from “particles to people” over the ages, as evolutionists claim).

....the third basic fact in the Biblical framework. If the great thicknesses of fossil-bearing strata through the earth’s crust have been deposited only after man’s Fall, then nothing less than worldwide catastrophic deposition can possibly account for most of them. The Bible clearly describes this unique catastrophe, and we now know it as the Genesis Flood or as the Great Deluge in the days of Noah.
According to the apostle Peter, “the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished” (II Peter 3:6). As described in the Bible, the flood waters battered the entire globe for a year and were immensely destructive in effect.
All of the processes of
-fossilization, etc.,
were extremely active during this period.
No true scheme of historical geology could possibly be erected without full consideration of the tremendous geologic records that must necessarily have been inscribed in the earth’s crust by this awesome event."