Tuesday, January 8, 2019

There is still Time...

--unbelief and
are welding the fetters which bind souls in
--the bondage of doubt
--and despair.

The temple of the soul is desecrated by sin, as the courts of the temple at Jerusalem was desecrated by unholy traffic and confusion.

The heart of rebellious man is open to robbers,
and has become a den of thieves.
He who was purchased at the infinite price of the agony and death of the Son of God becomes like the blighted fig-tree, withered to its very roots under the righteous vengeance of a rejected God.

While mercy lingers, the golden opportunity still remains to repent and be saved through Christ.

Has the temple of the soul been desecrated by unholy shrines? While the sun of righteousness still lingers, loath to remove his rays from those who have slighted his blessings, there is still time to repent, and make your peace with God.

Christ calls the sinner...He will cleanse you from the defilement of sin, and give you moral fitness for his kingdom.
Despite your indifference or scorn he urges you to accept his love and mercy."
Signs of the Times 1878 E.G.W.
Search me, O God, and know my heart:
try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23,24