Thursday, January 3, 2019

The "Really" File - (Transgender Islamic Indoctrination)

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

"A new school curriculum in Western Australia is being developed to encourage children to "explore" gender, an effort some say amounts to ideological indoctrination. 

Both male and female students in year three in at least 10 schools in Western Australia will be given "a range of dress ups and toys" in an effort to explore gender roles and break down stereotypes, reports say.

The program is also intended to teach children about ethnic and religious garments such as the burka, which is worn by women who practice the Islamic faith.

A spokesperson from the Western Australia Department of Education would neither confirm nor deny to the Daily Mail on Wednesday whether dressing up will be part of the 2019 gender education program, stating that the "curriculum is still being 
From the "Really" File

In September, a report emerged where teachers were being trained to identify potential transgender students under the guise of "professional standards development."  
"It involves teachers learning to identify key phrases such as I feel different, I’m androgynous and I’m born with two spirits, indicating transgender leanings in students­ as young as 5," the Daily Telegraph (Australia) explained." CP