Monday, January 7, 2019

The "Really" File - (The Second Coming?)

I am as one mocked... Job 12:4

"An upcoming DC Comics series will have a familiar character: Jesus.

The DC Comics imprint DC Vertigo will introduce Christ as a superhero in an upcoming series titled Second Comingwhich has Him teaming up with Sun-Man. The first issue in the series goes on sale March 6. 

Witness the return of Jesus Christ, as He is sent on a most holy mission by God to learn what it takes to be the true messiah of mankind by becoming roommates with the world's favorite savior: the all-powerful super hero Sun-Man, the Last Son of Krispex!” the plot summary from DC Vertigo reads. “But when Christ returns to Earth, he's shocked to discover what has become of his gospel -- and now, he aims to set the record straight.”

Contrary, to what Scripture teaches, Second Coming will present Jesus as having limitations in his knowledge and abilities. In the series, Jesus doesn’t know what is happening on Earth until He returns.
From the "Really" File

God was so upset with the fact that he got crucified the last time that he wouldn’t even let him look through the celestial keyhole at Earth to keep up,” Russell said, explaining the plot. “He still gets to talk to people when they come to Heaven so he has a rough idea of what’s going on down there. He doesn’t know how sideways things have gone until he’s come down to Earth and sees it for himself.”
The series is scheduled to last at least six issues." BCN