Friday, January 4, 2019

The "Really" File - (Moore vs. Christ)

Christ says....
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39

Beth Moore says...

"Popular Bible teacher and author Beth Moore has sparked a fiery debate online about whether spending time reading the Bible is the same thing as spending time with God.

Spending time with God and spending time with the Bible are not the same thing. The Bible is the Word of God, crucial to knowing Him, but it’s not God. We can study our Bibles till the 2nd coming & leave God completely out of it. We can grow in facts & never grow a whit in faith,” Moore declared in an initial tweet on the subject late Wednesday.

Do not be deceived. People who study the Scriptures constantly and are continually mean-spirited, rude, slanderous and, aside 
From the "Really" File
their religious rhetoric, bereft of outward evidences of the Holy Spirit are having Bible study without God. He affects us. You can take that to the bank
,” she said as the debate raged on.

Despite the Bible teacher’s explanation, Reformation Charlotte, a ministry of Christians who seek to glorify God “by exposing our culture of darkness to the light of the Gospel,” argued that Moore’s position is misguided.
Well, in her world, spending time with God consists of fanciful dreams of being lifted up in the air while being told by God that He’s going to unite all sectors of Christendom, or strange moments of meeting a woman at a random bus stop just to give her a handful of cash because, you know, God told her to go there and stuff,” the group stated.
Of course spending time in Scripture is the same thing as spending time with God. You cannot know God any other way." CP