Friday, January 18, 2019

The 2 Forms of Atheism

So that they are without excuse:
because that, when they knew God,
they did not glorify him as God,
neither were thankful.
Romans 1:20,21

"The people mentioned by Paul in our text fell into two great evils,
--or rather into two forms of one great evil--- atheism:
*the atheism of the heart,
*and the atheism of the life.

They knew God, but they glorify him as God, neither were they thankful.

Many may be found who know God, but never glorify him as God,
because they never adore him, and worship him, with the love of their hearts.
They go to church and sing psalms and hymns, and they may even have family prayer at home; but their heart has never adored the living God with living love.
Their worship has a name to live, but it is dead.
They present to the Lord all the external harvest of worship,
 but the grain is gone,
only the straw and the husk are there.
And what is the value of your husky prayers?
your prayers without a kernel,
--made up of the straw of words,
--and the chaff of formality?"
Charles Spurgeon