Wednesday, January 2, 2019

SDA Issues - Year 'round Halloween?

This is NOT an attack on the people at Spirit Halloween / Spirit of children program. These people, wanting to help children, may be well intentioned...RATHER this IS a CRITICISM of our church hospital leadership who chose to partner with this in our you really think an Adventist children's hospital should have, of all holidays, year round Halloween?....what do you think an SDA institution should be using to calm children?...Halloween of all things?...what would the pioneers say if they walked in (James and Ellen White, J.N. Andrews, Uriah Smith, etc.) or if at Corinth, they had a Corinthian Christian Children's Hospital, and Paul walked in and saw this being propagated on the children?....our institutional leaders either know what they are doing or are so blind that they are really spiritually this blind....
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,
saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing;
2 Corinthians 6:17

"Loma Linda University Health has recently profiled seasonal 
Their Logo
retailer Spirit Halloween that has donated significant funds to help calm the anxieties that patients at Loma Linda Children’s Hospital have while facing treatment.

Through its Spirit of Children program, the Halloween goods retailer has raised over $346,000 for the hospital since 2006 with the funds going to help young patients feel better about hospital time."

From the website of Spirit of Children..."Halloween is a whimsical, magical time of year. We created Spirit of Children because we wanted to bring some of that magic to kids who otherwise wouldn't be able to enjoy the holiday."
Header from their website

They also have a Halloween countdown daily on the website.