Thursday, January 24, 2019

Job of Dust and Ashes

I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear:
 but now mine eye seeth thee.
Job 42:5

"Job had long before heard of God....If you have heard God in the secret of your soul, you are a spiritual man; for only a spirit can hear the Spirit of God.

Now Job has a more vivid apprehension of Him.
 In adversity God is seen,
and that is a greater blessing.

Too often we compare ourselves among ourselves, and are not wise.
If thou wouldest be right, thou must measure thyself with the holiness of God.
When I think of this, self-righteousness seems to me to be a wretched insanity.

What did Job repent of?
1. Of that tremendous curse which he had pronounced upon the day of his birth.

2. Of his desire to die.
3. Of all his complaints against God.
4. Of his despair.
5. Of his rash challenges of God.

.....repentance puts man into the lowest place.
All real repentance is joined with holy sorrow and self-loathing. But repentance has comfort in it.
The door of repentance opens into the halls of joy.
Job's repentance in dust and ashes was the sign of his deliverance."
Charles Spurgeon