Thursday, January 24, 2019

IN the NEWS - More from that "Pipeline"

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"Intimate photos of two priests in the diocese of Paterson, New Jersey reveal a questionable relationship that sources say the local ordinary is ignoring. Church Militant obtained a series of selfies
taken by the two priests, along with a screenshot of the source's email alerting Bp. Arthur Serratelli in November.
Father Dulibber G. Gonzalez and Fr. Marcin Bradtke have reportedly been friends since before their respective ordinations. Father Gonzalez was ordained in May of 2018, and Fr. Bradtke was ordained in May of 2016.

The string of intimate selfies were allegedly taken at Fr. Bradtke's parish in May of 2018, right after Fr. Gonzalez's ordination.
Church Militant contacted both priests, their respective pastors, the Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the diocese, the Vice-Chancellor/Priest Secretary to the bishop, the Director of Clergy Personnel and Chair of the Presbyteral Council, the Judicial Vicar, and Bp. Serratelli himself. We received no response, although shortly after contacting Fr. Gonzalez, he deleted one of his two Facebook accounts.

The selfies were sent by a source to Bp. Serratelli and several members of his administrative staff on November 21, 2018, informing him that these photos would be sent to Church Militant if nothing is done. To date, Bp. Serratelli has never responded, and both Fr. Bradtke and Fr. Gonzalez remain at their assignments in good standing with the diocese.

In August 2018, Church Militant produced a special report titled "Episcopal Sodomy: Gay Seminarian Pipeline" revealing that Bp. Serratelli and Bp. Mansell of the diocese of Hartford, Connecticut were known to be bringing homosexual seminarians into the Church in the United States:
Former seminarians tell Church Militant that the involvement of Mansell and Serratelli in moving around gay seminarians became well known by Church officials as both these bishops had large numbers of seminarians within their dioceses, and they needed to scatter them around in different seminaries so as not to draw too much attention to their exceptionally high number when the Church in the United States was experiencing a massive drop in the numbers of seminarians.
The South American homosexual pipeline was exposed by Fr. John Lavers, hired by Holy Apostles Seminary in 2012 to investigate the matter, which led to the expulsion of multiple seminarians. Holy Apostles has publicly confirmed the existence of the investigation and its results."