Tuesday, January 22, 2019

IN the NEWS - Cuomo: Another Example of Modern Gen.6:5

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5

"After an intense debate for and against the proposal, the New York state Legislature passed a bill Tuesday that makes it legal for doctors and other health care professionals, such as midwives and physician assistants, to perform abortions up until birth for any reason in the state.

Democrat New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was expected to sign the controversial bill at a reception in the Executive Mansion immediately after legislators voted to approve it. And Cuomo appeared ready as he celebrated Sarah Weddington, the lawyer nationally known for successfully arguing the winning side of the Roe v. Wade case before the U.S. Supreme Court. Weddington was recognized in the chamber during the vote.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo called Monday for including abortion rights in the New York Constitution, calling it an unprecedented opportunity to protect a woman's right to choose.
With former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by his side, Cuomo delivered a pro-choice speech at Barnard College in Manhattan, vowing to withhold support for a 2019-20 state budget until the Legislature approves the Reproductive Health Act and the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act, long-stalled bills that would bolster abortion rights and birth-control coverage, respectively.
But Cuomo took his call a step further, vowing to push an amendment that would enshrine a woman's right to choose in the state Constitution." CP