Saturday, January 12, 2019

IN the NEWS - Caught in a "Wuerl'wind of Lies

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"Newly released information in the Catholic Church’s clergy sex abuse scandal shows that Washington D.C. Cardinal Donald Wuerl was deceitful about his knowledge of sex abuse allegations against disgraced ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick – also further vindicating the testimony from former Papal Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ² on who knew about McCarrick.

ViganĂ² in his original August 2018 testimony had called Wuerl a liar for denying knowledge of McCarrick's abuse. 
I myself brought up the subject with Cardinal Wuerl on several occasions, and I certainly didn’t need to go into detail because it was immediately clear to me that he was fully aware of it,” stated ViganĂ². “The Cardinal’s “recent statements that he knew nothing about it … are absolutely laughable. He lies shamelessly.”
Wuerl knew about charges of abuse against McCarrick as far back as 2004, according to a Diocese of Pittsburgh file, having reported the charges to the Vatican at the time, even as he’s acted since last June as though he was unaware of any charges involving the former high-profile cardinal."