Thursday, January 17, 2019

IN the NEWS - 9 Bibles

"Mike DeWine, former U.S. senator and state attorney general, swore on a stack of nine Bibles during his official swearing-in ceremony that took place on his farm at midnight Monday morning. 

According to a press release from the governor’s office, the nine Bibles include:
  • DeWine's late daughter Becky DeWine’s childhood Bible
  • DeWine’s great-grandmother Gertrude Budd’s Bible
  • DeWine’s grandmother Ruth Perkins Liddle’s New Testament that was given to her by her father over 100 years ago
  • DeWine’s grandfather Albert Liddle’s New Testament, which was issued to him by the U.S. Navy while serving during World War I
  • DeWine’s Aunt Elizabeth Ann “Mickey” DeWine Harwood’s Bible, which was given to her by her grandmother
  • A New Testament that the DeWines acquired many years ago in Jerusalem
  • A study Bible given to DeWine by the former chaplain of the U.S. Senate Lloyd Ogilvie
  • A Bible that belonged to DeWine’s mother, Jean DeWine.
  • A Bible that DeWine was given by his wife, Fran, on their 10th wedding anniversary
Taking over the reins of the state from outgoing Republican Gov. John Kasich, DeWine’s oath was administered by his very own son, Ohio Supreme Court Justice Pat DeWine. Meanwhile, DeWine’s wife, Fran, held all nine Bibles." CP
Now after these things, ... Ezra 7:1