Tuesday, January 22, 2019

From Advent to Advent

The History of the Christian Church, laid out in the 7 Churches of Revelation, stretches from the 1st Advent to the 2nd Advent...rather nicely at that...

1st Advent--when He came as a baby

Ephesus - Age of the Apostles
Smyrna - Post-Apostolic Church in it's youth, spreading

Pergamos - HERESY / Corruption of Church by paganism with conversion of Constantine
Thyatira - APOSTASY / Rise of Papal Rome, persecutions & inquisitions

Sardis - REFORMATION / attempt to reform Christendom from Papal errors
Philadelphia REVIVAL / 1st & 2nd Great Awakening, etc.

Laodicea - Last Group, in a Laodicean state - Judgment
2nd Advent-when He returns as a King