Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Creation Moment 1/30/2019 - "Codes"

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Psalm 139:14 NLT

"The science of epigenetics burst the dam of the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, the view that DNA is a “master molecule” over genetics.

This 1960’s-era dogma claimed that information flows down from DNA to protein, not the other way around. Epigenetics (“above genetics”) is now acknowledged as a contradiction to the Central Dogma.

Evolutionary explanations that fail to take this into account risk being badly skewed, if not incorrect.
There’s no longer just a genetic code in DNA;
there are epigenetic codes,
membrane codes,
molecular machine codes,
histone codes,
splicing codes
and numerous other sources of information flowing in all directions.

The information in these codes is often heritable. A cell is now seen as a system of codes and regulators that operate on the DNA library." CEH