Friday, January 4, 2019

A Peak at how Fanaticism Works

"As I returned to Portland evidences increased of the desolating effects of fanaticism in Maine.

Modern Example

*These fanatical ones seemed to think that religion consisted in making a noise.
They would talk in such a manner as to irritate unbelievers, and cause them to hate them, and then they would rejoice that they suffered persecution.

Unbelievers could see no consistency in their course. The brethren in some places were prevented from assembling for meetings. The innocent suffered with the guilty. 

They were not only ruining their own souls,
--but placing a stigma upon the cause not easily removed.
And Satan loved to have it so.

It suited him well to see the truth handled by unskillful workmen; to have it mixed with error, and then altogether trampled in the dust.
He looked with triumph upon the confused, scattered state of God's children."
Spiritual Gifts vol.2 p.251 E.G.W.
Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one.
Job 14:4