Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The "Really" File - (Brits Fight Over Gender Neutral Toilets)

The Lord shall laugh at him: Psalm 37:13

"A POLICE force spent more than £4million providing officers with gender-neutral toilets.

Almost 10% of the budget for a new HQ was spent on mixed loos and changing facilities.

A women's campaign group branded the move "insane and an absolute scandal". 
Merseyside Police forked out almost £50m for the new complex in Speke, Liverpool.

It opened in February and houses 1,200 officers and support staff.

From the "Really" File
As well as gender-neutral toilets, there are showers, changing cubicles and locker rooms.
Freedom of Information request revealed that £2.7m was spent on 819sq metres of gender-neutral locker room space.

Merseyside Police said it was "the most efficient way of providing the facilities".
But Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, from Standing for Women, slammed the decision not to provide separate female toilets."