Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Cost of WW 1

"What is the cost of liberty by force of arms?

--A mathematician declares that in the four years of war 11,000,­000 people found death; one for every thirteen times the clock ticked.
--Over 19,000,000 were mutilated—just enough to repopulate Spain if it were suddenly wiped out.
--With the war cost of $100­000,000,000 it would have been possible to present every family in the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Brit­ain, France, Belgium, Germany, and Russia with a $2,500 house standing in a five-acre plot and containing $1,250 worth of furniture, besides providing for each group of 20,000 families a hospital, university, and schools, in­cluding the salaries of teachers, nurses, doctors, and professors.

--Lastly, if those little crosses over the graves of the nation's dead were placed side by side, they would stretch from Paris through Europe and Asia right to Vladivostok, and the last would be washed by the waves of the Sea of Japan."
The Expositor, July, 1931
Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war.
Psalm 140:2