Saturday, December 1, 2018

Sunday keepers and the Pharisees: The Inverse Relationship

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.... Exodus 20:8

"Jesus wished to correct the false teachings of the Jews in regard to the Sabbath and also to impress his disciples with the fact that deeds of mercy were lawful on that day.

In the matter of healing the withered hand he broke down the custom of the Jews, and left the fourth commandment standing as God had given it to the world.
By this act he exalted the Sabbath, sweeping away the senseless restrictions that encumbered it. His act of mercy did honor to the day, while those who complained of him, were, by their many useless rites and ceremonies, themselves dishonoring the Sabbath.

*There are ministers today who teach that the Son of God broke the Sabbath and justified his disciples in doing the same.

They take the same ground as did the caviling Jews, although ostensibly for another purpose, since they hold that Christ abolished the Sabbath."
Signs Of The Times 11/30/1876 E.G.W.