Monday, December 3, 2018

Papal Notes - Francis Misinterprets "Babylon"

For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination: he made his arrows bright, he consulted with images,.... Ezekiel 21:21

"Pope Francis turned his thoughts at Mass on Thursday to the end of the world. He took his cue from the readings of the day from the
Book of Revelation, which describes the destruction of Babylon, a symbol of worldliness, and from the Gospel of Luke (21:20-28), in which Jesus tells of the devastation of Jerusalem, the holy city.
On the day of judgment, Babylon will be destroyed with a mighty cry of victory, the Pope said. The great harlot will fall, he said, condemned by the Lord, and she will show her truth: “a haunt for demons, a cage for every unclean spirit.”
Pope Francis said that corruption will be revealed under her magnificent beauty and that her feasts will be exposed as false happiness.

The holy city will be “trampled underfoot by pagans” and punished by the Lord, the Pope said, because she opened the doors of her heart to pagans.
Finally, Pope Francis invited us to think about the Babylonians of our time and about the many powerful empires of the last century which have fallen.
The great cities of today will also end,” he said, “and so will our lives, if we continue along this road towards paganism.” VaticanNews

No Francis..."Babylon" is not "worldiness" in and of itself but rather Babylon is the religio-political system, or confederation, that sets up the image/mark of the for thinking about the "Babylonians" of our time...well now...