Tuesday, December 4, 2018

John Paul II admitted something big...

Pope John Paul II

Now pay close attention to what he wrote....

"We celebrate Sunday because of the venerable Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we do so not only at Easter but also at each turning of the week": so wrote Pope Innocent I at the beginning of the fifth century, testifying to an already well established practice which had evolved from the early years after the Lord's Resurrection."

Notice, they ADMIT the practice of Sunday Worship (Sunday Sacredness) "evolved" AFTER the Resurrection over time...they don't even try to claim that Christ changed the solemnity of His 7th day Sabbath to the 1st day of the week outright at His Resurrection....
interesting...And he shall speak great words against the most High, ...and think to change times and laws: Daniel 7:25