Tuesday, December 11, 2018

IN the NEWS - Yang 2020 Candidate wants Social Credit & UBI

Andrew Yang, a 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate wants a Chinese style Social Credit system and UBI.....see Links below about each and what it could mean for America and freedom as well as how it could assist with prosecution during the mark of the beast....btw, we don't think Yang will be the nominee or President, but the point is that this totalitarianism has taken over the left....
Now picture these secular leftist politicians working with "Christians"  who think they are doing God's will--- and one could picture the level of persecution...
IN the NEWS - Universal Basic Income?
IN the NEWS - China's Social Credit in our Future?

"New York entrepreneur and Democratic 2020 candidate Andrew Yang wants to implement a system in which a government-run mobile app rewards Americans with “digital social credits” (DSCs) for good behavior.

Americans would receive DSCs under Yang’s system for things such as “participating in a town fair,” “fixing a neighbor’s appliance” or “tutoring a student,” his presidential campaign website explains.
As individuals rack up DSCs, they would have both a permanent balance they’ve earned over their lifetime and a current balance. They could cash the points in for experiences, purchases with participating vendors, support for causes, and transfer points to others for special occasions,” Yang states on his website. “As their permanent balance gets higher, they might qualify for various perks like throwing a pitch at a local
ballgame, an audience with their local Congressperson or meeting their state’s most civic-minded athlete or celebrity.”
The most socially detached would be the most likely to ignore all of this,” he added. “But many people love rewards and feeling valued.”

Yang’s social credit plan bears some similarities to the social credit system implemented by China’s authoritarian government.
Yang's current bid for the 2020 presidential nomination, one of his main campaign goals would be to implement a universal basic income (UBI) for all American citizens between the ages of 18 to 64. "