Tuesday, December 18, 2018

IN the NEWS - Why do Politicians have to LIE for?

After several years of claiming to be American Indian (even at one point claiming it was because she had "high cheek bones") Warren finally made an admission...BUT...Why do Politicians have to LIE in the first place?...and thou be found a liar. Proverbs 30:6

"Months after she challenged President Donald Trump with a private DNA test intended to prove her claims of Native American heritage, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) admitted that she is not a "person of color."
The admission came as she was speaking at Morgan State, a historically black college in Baltimore, Maryland. ....."I'm not a person of color," she added. "

The admission comes after months of criticism after she attempted to put to rest criticism about her heritage claims, only to inspire a much worse backlash. Among the most brutal of responses was a statement from the Cherokee Nation calling her test "worthless" and her claims damaging to Native Americans.
In a recent poll gauging popular support for various possible Democratic candidates for the 2020 nomination, support for Warren collapsed from 8 percent support in October to less than half that, 3 percent, in December.
The DNA test has done so much political damage to Warren that even her allies and friends wondered what she was thinking when they planned the much maligned stunt."