Sunday, December 23, 2018

IN the NEWS - Prostitution = Reassigned in Catholicism?

Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. 1 Timothy 3:7

"A parish priest in Utah who was recently arrested in a prostitution sting could return to ministry in a few months.

Father Andrzej Pawel Skrzypiec was pastor at Saint Ambrose Catholic Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was also the chaplain at the Catholic grade school connected to the parish. But earlier this year, Fr. Skrzypiec was arrested during a prostitution sting by local law enforcement, and the diocese placed him on administrative leave.
On the night of Aug. 24, Fr. Skrzypiec allegedly agreed to pay a female undercover officer $30 in exchange for a sex act. He was arrested soon after. On Nov. 9, the 63-year-old priest pleaded no contest to the charge of soliciting a prostitute, paid a $680 fine and took an HIV test.
The diocese of Salt Lake City put Fr. Skrzypiec on administrative leave for three months pending the resolution of the case. On the weekend of Dec. 8–9, Salt Lake City's Bp. Oscar Solis issued a letter to St. Ambrose parishioners which hinted that the priest, whom parishioners called "Father Andrew," might be reassigned to a different parish." CM