Tuesday, December 11, 2018


It's none of Perez's business where Christians get their news from. In America we can imbibe on whatever sources we want and make up our own minds....Perez, being a typical Leftist would prefer to control what people imbibe on....BTW, as for why his Leftist message doesn't resonate with the other half of America.... maybe they could start by stop booing God at their Presidential Convention--as they booed God in 2012 and 2016.... just saying

"Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez warned Wednesday that Democrats need to come up with a “broader communications strategy” in order to reach Christian voters who “buy” what they are being told in church.

Speaking at The Court in Crisis Summit in Washington, D.C. hosted by Demand Justice, a nonprofit that supports liberal judicial nominees, Perez offered his thoughts on why the Democratic Party is having trouble “penetrating” center-right voters with their

We all have to make sure that we’re fluent in what’s happening across our ecosystem so we can come to each other’s defense because we need to build a bigger orchestra,” Perez said.  “[The political right has] had a big orchestra for some time and they’ve got the megaphones to amplify it, whether it’s Sinclair at the local level or Fox at the national level.”

Perez continued by stating that a person from northwest Wisconsin told him that “most of the people I know, their principal sources of information are Fox News, the NRA newsletter and the pulpit.”
And it should come as a surprise to no-one that our message doesn’t penetrate,” Perez asserted.

And people buy it,” Perez said. “Because that’s their only source. As we move forward here, we have got to talk about a broader communications strategy, we have got to talk about other reforms that are going to enable us to elect Democrats up and down the ticket so that we can actually have the capacity to implement.” CP
Fools make a mock at sin: Proverbs 14:9