Saturday, December 22, 2018

IN the NEWS - Kasich pandering to Transgender Agenda

....and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life. Ecclesiastes 2:3

"....Ohio Gov. John Kasich of trying to “score political points on the way out the door” by issuing an executive action this week to ban gender identity discrimination in state employment.
Kasich, the 66-year-old two-term governor and former Republican candidate for president, signed what has been reported as a “surprise” executive order on Wednesday afternoon just weeks before the end of his governorship.

The order effectively rescinds a 2011 order Kasich signed when he first got into office that removed gender identity from the state employment nondiscrimination policy enacted under former Democrat Gov. Ted Strickland in 2007.

Unless his administration was rampantly firing individuals with gender dysphoria, the only purpose of his latest executive action is to score political points on the way out the door,” Baer said in a statement. “There is no evidence that this kind of discrimination is happening in state government today.

Kasich's signing of the order came after LGBT activist group Equality Ohio sent Kasich letters...
We worked behind-the-scenes with our friends at TransOhio to lay the foundation for this action to take place while he was in office,” an Equality Ohio press release explains. Equality Ohio Executive Director Alana Jochum told The Columbus Dispatch that Kasich “heard this call.”

Baer, however, argues that “most Ohioans” would prefer Kasich to keep “his priorities focused on what’s best for Ohio” over the final days of his governorship rather than “looking to endear himself to the coasts for his next political run.” CP