Sunday, December 30, 2018

IN the NEWS - Clash between the Big Boys of U.S. Catholicism

"Boston's Cdl. Sean O'Malley has reported a case of predatory homosexual sex abuse by a New York priest and the ensuing cover-up by New York's Cdl. Timothy Dolan to the papal nuncio to the United States, Abp. Christophe Pierre.
In a letter dated Dec. 21, O'Malley draws the nuncio's attention to the case of Fr. Donald Timone, a priest of the archdiocese of New York, whom Dolan allowed to remain in active ministry — even calling him "remarkably tender and holy" in 2013 — after he knew of the credible allegations of sex abuse.
The story about Timone broke in a recent New York Times article, which detailed that Dolan compensated two of Timone's victims and allowed him to remain in active ministry, even as recently as this week.

O'Malley, who is president of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, seems to have fallen out of favor, at least to a degree, with Rome and Pope Francis, perhaps relating back to his revelations regarding the involvement of multiple Chilean bishops in homosexual sex abuse and cover-up and his own criticism of the Holy Father's mishandling of the case of Bp. Juan Barros.
O'Malley's public declaration that he had indeed passed a letter to Pope Francis from Juan Carlos Cruz, a sex abuse victim of Fr. Fernando Karadima, whom Barros protected, became an enormous embarrassment for the pope and high-ranking Vatican officials, with the pope having to go as far as publicly acknowledging his own personal failure in the case and apologizing for his actions."

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13