Thursday, December 20, 2018

IN the NEWS - Call to Synchronize Sunday?

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice,... Revelation 14:9
"During a recent conference called "Shaping the Future of Work", co-organised by the International Labor Organization and the Catholic bishops, and attended by Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders, the following was stated in the offical "future of work" document:

"We also believe that all EU citizens are entitled to beneft from decent working hours, which as a matter of principles exclude bank holidays and Sundays. Recalling our support for the European Sunday Alliance, we therefore remain strongly committed to its objective of reintegrating the Sunday as a synchronised day of rest in European law. Sunday is the only day of the week that allows us to spend time together as a society and to enjoy what is not produced and not consumed, not bought and not sold."
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