Thursday, December 20, 2018

Creation Moment 12/20/2018 - 3 Theories of the Evolution of the Genetic Code SERIES: SUMMARY

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14


"The foregoing discussion leads us to conclude that the ribosome in itself is an irreducibly complex cellular organelle, requiring several dozen proteins to be present at the same time in order for it to work.

Furthermore, the molecular machinery that regulates ribosomal gene co-expression involves just under 300 transcription regulators, which is also further modulated according to several cell types in humans and mice.

The ribosome is also a prime example of the evolutionary paradox of sequence conservation of both functional genes and regulatory sequences.
Among the approximately 60 proteins that are represented by an ortholog (gene in different species retaining the same function) in every single cellular life form with a sequenced genome, over 50 are components of the translation machinery.
Some of these ribosomal protein genes (RPGs) are necessary for function or required for self-assembly, whereas others can be used for stimulation of the translation process.

*Ribosomal dysfunction is in the background of at least a dozen diseases, including some forms of cancer.
 This is evidence that these proteins could not have evolved gradually over time, but are part of a complex functional unit.

In studying ribosomal proteins, investigators have distinguished between essential and non-essential proteins.
This refinement is performed to give greater insights into the supposed movement of genes during evolution.
In one study the λ-Red-mediated recombination approach was used to alter the bacterial genome and study the function of 41 ribosomal subunit proteins. Nine proteins appeared to be non-essential (deletion was not lethal) according to the limited stress tests applied, but it is significant to note that complete removal of some of these ‘non-essential’ proteins led to alterations in growth and ribosomal function.
This is not surprising as the ribosomal proteins are involved in conformational changes in ribosomes as well as in interactions with other components connected with translation.

The ribosome is an example of sudden, early complexity, if evolution is true.
Its appearance raises many speculative events, sequences, and unresolved issues, making such a scenario highly dubious.
A number of theories surrounding the evolution of the genetic code and of ribosomal evolution have been examined, but have been found lacking in any form of convincing evidence.
Rather, due to its content and intricacy of operation, the ribosome is an example of irreducible complexity, with several dozen proteins making up its functional-structural core.

*The ribosome differs in make-up between Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya, with a number of RPs which are unique to each, suggesting that these structures did not evolve from each other but rather came into being separately by special creation.

--some of the ribosomes in prokaryotes are missing from the mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotes.
--Novel proteins have been found.
--This is taken to highlight their independent creation.

The existence and distribution of RPs does not make sense, except in the light of creation." CMI