Saturday, December 29, 2018

Bosom of the Decalogue

"The Sabbath commandment is placed in the very bosom of the Decalogue, amid the unchangeable precepts of Jehovah.

And yet from many pulpits of our land a contemptuous cry is raised against the Sabbath instituted by the Lord God of heaven, and it is stigmatized as "the old Jewish Sabbath."

Let all who are seeking for truth remember that the Sabbath was instituted in Eden before there was a Jew in existence, and that the Savior said, "The Sabbath was made for man."

--The fourth commandment was spoken with the other nine of God's moral precepts, amid the thunders and grandeur of Mount Sinai, and in the holy of holies in the heavenly sanctuary above, is the ark of God.
--It is called the ark of the testament, and under its cover,--the mercy seat,--are the ten commandments that were written with the finger of God."
Signs Of The Times 1894 E.G.W./Mark 2:27