Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Woman at the Well Represents....

"Christ said to the woman of Samaria, "If thou knewest the gift of God, and Who it is that saith to thee, Give Me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water." John 4:10

He did not ask her to come again when He would be feeling rested and refreshed, or suggested that, if she could get together a
sufficient congregation to make it worthwhile, He would speak to them on some very important truths, but to this single individual He proceeded to make known His work and character.
She did not seem a very hopeful subject, living in sin, ..... Yet this woman was among the very few to whom Christ explicitly stated that He was the Messiah.

His words at last reached her heart. Spiritual things prevailed; she recognized in Christ the One whom she needed, and now, leaving her water pot, she sought to bring her neighbors and friends into contact with the Savior.

The woman of Samaria is representative of the great majority to whom the word of the Lord comes.
Earthly things engross the mind to the exclusion of the things which belong to our peace.
The Lord is anxious to reveal Himself to us, but any trifle suffices to turn us away from listening to His voice. Yet He does not become discouraged.
*If the Lord had nothing of special value for us, He might be tempted to abandon the effort to gain our attention, but because that which He offers is beyond price, more than has entered into the heart of man to conceive,
*He cannot, for our sakes, withdraw the gift. If only we knew its worth, there would not be another moment's hesitation on our part to enter into the enjoyment of it."