Saturday, November 3, 2018

The "Sacred Heart"

But were mingled among the heathen,
and learned their works.
Psalm 106:35

"In the Church of Rome a new kind of devotion has of late been largely introduced, in which the beads play an important part, and which shows what new and additional strides in the direction of the old Babylonian Paganism the Papacy every day is steadily making. I refer to the "Rosary of the Sacred Heart."

It is not very long since the worship of the "Sacred Heart" was first introduced; and now, everywhere it is the favorite worship. It was
so in ancient Babylon, as is evident from the Babylonian system as it appeared in Egypt.
There also a "Sacred Heart" was venerated. The "Heart" was one of the sacred symbols of Osiris when he was born again, and appeared as Harpocrates, or the infant divinity, borne in the arms of his mother Isis.
Venus and her son Cupid, then, were none other than the Madonna and the child.

The veneration of the "sacred heart" seems also to have extended to India, for there Vishnu, the Mediatorial god, in one of his forms, with the mark of the wound in his foot, in consequence of which he died, and for which such lamentation is annually made, is represented as wearing a heart suspended on his breast.

It is asked, How came it that the "Heart" became the recognized symbol of the Child of the great Mother? The answer is, "The Heart" in Chaldee is "BEL".... the new birth or new incarnation of Nimrod or Bel. When Bel, however was born again as a child, he was, as we have seen, represented as an incarnation of the sun. Therefore, to indicate his connection with the fiery and burning sun, the "sacred heart" was frequently represented as a "heart of flame."
Alexander Hislop

BTW- "The popularization of this devotion in its modern form is
derived from a Roman Catholic nun from France, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, who said she learned the devotion from Jesus during a series of apparitions to her between 1673 and 1675, and later, in the 19th century, from the mystical revelations of another Roman Catholic nun in Portugal, Blessed Mary of the Divine Heart, a religious of the Good Shepherd, who requested in the name of Christ that Pope Leo XIII consecrate the entire world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus."