Thursday, November 1, 2018

The "Really" File - (New Game for Kids)

Anyone surprised by Netflix & Facebook anymore?...this is what they are Targeting your children with...
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Romans 1:24

"A new Facebook game sponsored by Netflix is encouraging masturbation for children.

To promote its puberty-focused original cartoon series "Big Mouth," the streaming media giant launched this month a new Facebook mobile game called "Hand Masters."

The game claims to be the "first international masturbation game." The object of the game is simple: shake a smartphone vigorously in a manner that emulates male masturbation for 20 seconds. The faster the phone is shaken, the higher the score.

In a tweet promoting the game, @BigMouth stated that "it's time to play with yourself."

From the "Really" File
Upon launching the game, users will be asked to "generate your d--- name." In order to do that, users must play a virtual slot machine that will generate a combination of three-word nicknames such as "Principal Enormous Manhood," "The Hungry Banana," "The Jumbo Pepper," or "Great Precious Sausage."

Some users with a low score in the game will be told things at the end such as "you're jerking off at a sixth grade level."

Although the game asks users before they can play if they are at least 16 years old, a user can simply claim that they are 16 in order to play." CP