Wednesday, November 14, 2018

SDA Issues: Will We Be Among The "Illusion Traffickers" One Day?

Should the Catholic Church & state unite on this?....WHO decides what is "pseudo-religious" or a "sect"?...WHO decides what is "anti-scientific" (could they place Creationism in this category or Sabbath keepers based on the 7th day of a literal creation?)...And WHO decides what is labeled a "conspiracy theory"? (could this one day include certain eschatologies? maybe those that point to the Papal institution as the Little Horn?)....could we be labeled among the "Illusion Traffickers"?)....

"Pseudo-religious and esoteric sects are on the rise in Italy according to a new study, which urges the Catholic Church and the government to protect faithful and citizens from this growing phenomenon in the pope’s own backyard.

The conference was organized and promoted by the Community of Pope John XXIII in collaboration with the Italian State Police, LUMSA University and the University Consortium Humanities, with the participation of high-ranking Church and government representatives.

The most represented sects according to the study are characterized by
--anti-scientific attitudes,
--conspiracy theories and
--occult- or magic-based practices.

According to Giovanni Paolo Ramonda, President of the Community of Pope John XXIII, “sects proliferate where there is unrestrained individualism and where communities abandon you,”
and he warned against the “illusion traffickers.”
Attending the event, was also Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, head of the right-wing populist party Northern League, who spoke in favor of bringing the focus back to the family so that it may be strengthened and more capable of protecting itself of society’s threats."

I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria,
and the glory of his high looks.
Isaiah 10:12