Saturday, November 10, 2018

SDA Issues - "Progressives" off the Deep End... Gates on their heels...

"Some of our brethren have taught views which we cannot endorse. Fanciful ideas, strained and peculiar interpretations of the Scripture are coming in. Some of these teachings may seem to be but jots and tittles now, but they will grow and become snares to the inexperienced."
Selected Messages vol.1 E.G.W.

There are 2 shocking articles by the self ordained "progressives" in the Church that speaks volumes of why they are considered the enemy within...

FISRT, on the Korah styled Spectrum Magazine, they actually have an article eluding to the notion that the persecution of the faithful to God's Law in the end times isn't the traditional Adventist view. Rather it is the opposition to woman's ordination and opposition, both in the Church and by President Trump, to transgenderism.....I kid you

SECOND, over at spectrum's little brother and knock off of it, Adventist Today, they claim to have a new interpretation of the Little Horn of Daniel 7. They make the claim, between bouts of foaming at the mouth about Trump, that Trump is the Little Horn...I kid you not...and that we have to toss out our current eschatology (they make the same old arguments bashing our end time scenario of Prophecy involving the papacy, counterfeit Sabbath, etc.) and instead drag the President into it. They even have some sort of date setting type of chart. They also claim the NONSENSE that the ten horns are Presidents beginning with their beloved

THIRD, this is sad. Pastor Gates (no friend of the "progressives" and their Korah style rebellion) has got into hot water with some reinterpretation and date setting of his own. He is structuring the 3 & a half years of prophecy (which has already been fulfilled) to have begun with the Papal visit in D.C. and ends in early 2019 with the mark of the beast. The other 3 & a half years ends in the fall of

EVERONE IS GOING OFF THE DEEP END THESE DAYS.....That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Ephesians 4:14