Monday, November 19, 2018

Papal Notes - Francis' Baltimore Debacle

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"....the bishops' conference in Baltimore where, moments into the meeting, conference President Cdl. Daniel DiNardo dropped the
bombshell that Pope Francis has pulled the rug out from under the feet of the U.S. bishops and ordered them to cancel their expected Thursday vote in what to do about the priestly sex abuse crisis, most of which is homosexual predatory abuse.

DiNardo appeared disturbed by the orders from the Vatican having been given to him at essentially the last minute.
Following that, Papal Nuncio Christophe Pierre got up and
essentially said great strides had been made in fighting this problem and the bishops don't really need to involve the laity to any great degree.
That's significant because the bishops were going to vote on two proposals — the second one which was going to seek the establishment of a lay board with investigative powers into the actions of bishops.
Pierre slammed the idea and said it is bishops who run the Church and, in essence, the laity need to pipe down. This action from Rome
— again, at the last minute — raises serious questions.
It is no secret that there in Rome and very close to Pope Francis various high-ranking churchmen who are rushing headlong into advancing the homosexual agenda in the Church."