Monday, November 12, 2018

On the Streets of Babylon: Porn Littering the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "Porn" littering the Streets of Babylon......

"A liberal female pastor has said viewing pornography is just fine, especially if it is “ethically sourced porn.”

I refused to pick the low-hanging ‘Moral Outrage Fruit’ of Liberals and Conservatives about porn,” said the tattooed pastor.  “Now, there are issues of justice and exploitation within the porn industry, no question, but it doesn’t mean consumption of pornography should be shamed.”
There is ethically sourced porn,” continued the Colorado pastor.
I’m not going to shame people when they already feel ashamed,” declared Bolz-Weber, who claims, “If we took shame out of the fact that people like to view erotic imagery, the compulsive behavior around consuming pornography would decrease.
If the teachings of the church are harming people, then we need to rethink those teachings,” said Bolz-Weber.
The church is saying that the Creator of the Universe, God in the heavens above, knows if you’re involved in self-abuse, and God is super disappointed.  How ridiculous.  That causes harm because these teachings are done in God’s name,” she said."