Friday, November 30, 2018

IN the NEWS - This World is Totally Lost

It really is over.....for the nation and for what the "judges" ordered....this world has gone INSANE.....
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,...Genesis 6:5

"A Texas father who objects to his ex-wife pushing their 6-year-old son into identifying as a girl is in danger of losing custody of the child after he was accused of “abusive behavior.”...the child is currently in the process of social transitioning before he can begin chemical hormone therapy at the age of eight.

 In the couple’s divorce proceedings, the wife (who was not named) accused Jeff Younger of “abusive behavior” because the father has engaged in non-affirming actions” such as cutting the son's hair short.
Additionally, the mother asked the court to force the father to pay for James to visit a trans-affirming therapist and also pay for any medical alterations or therapies that James may need to transition to female as he gets older.
--the courts agreed and have required the father to pay at least 50 percent for future gender-related medical expenses.
--Jeff Younger has also been banned by the court from teaching James that he is a boy and
--banned the father from dressing his son as a boy.
--Additionally, Younger cannot share religious teaching with his son on sexuality or gender." CP