Wednesday, November 21, 2018

IN the NEWS - On to Upstate Michigan

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"Diocese of Gaylord had released a list of all the priests credibly accused of sexual misconduct involving minors.

That list includes ten priests but does not include a record of where they spent time.
Father Ronald Gronowski was serving as pastor of parishes in Lake City and Manton when he was removed from the ministry back in 2002.
It came after a 1995 allegation surfaced accusing Gronowski of sexual misconduct back in the 1970’s.
We also know Gronowski spent time in Indian River.
Father Jim Holtz was pastor in Fife Lake and Kalkaska when he was removed from ministry in 2002.
He’s accused of sexually abusing a minor while drunk." AT