Friday, November 23, 2018

IN the NEWS - North Sentinel Island

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Matthew 24:14

"John Chau, an American missionary killed by a remote tribe in India’s North Sentinel Island, predicted his own death but decided the risk was worth it to try and reach people, his diary has revealed.

I‘m scared,” the 26-year-old American from Washington state admits in excerpts from his diary that his family shared with The Washington Post. “Watching the sunset and it’s beautiful — crying a bit ... wondering if it will be the last sunset I see.”
Lord, is this island Satan’s last stronghold where none have heard or even had the chance to hear your name?” he wondered.

Chau is believed to have been killed on the island sometime between Nov. 16 and 18.
Chau made two or three trips to the island by canoe from Nov. 15, making contact with the tribe but returning to his boat. He told the fishermen on Nov. 16 he would not come back from the island and instructed them to return home and pass on some handwritten notes he had made to a friend, Pathak said.
The next morning they saw his body being dragged across a beach and buried in the sand, the police chief said, adding: "This was a misplaced adventure in a highly protected area."
In his notes, the source said, Chau wrote that some members of the tribe were good to him while others were very aggressive.
"I have been so nice to them, why are they so angry and so aggressive?" the source quoted Chau as saying.

Still, his act has reportedly angered many in the Hindu-majority nation of India who view evangelists, especially foreigners, with great suspicion, leading to attacks on churches and accusations of forced conversions." CT