Monday, November 12, 2018

IN the NEWS - More Euthanasia PR

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

So we went down the decadent slope of abortion, gay marriage, transgender bathrooms and legalization of drugs in some states....and now the push begins for these next 3 things.
This year, 2018, we have documented from news sources the subtle push for pedophilia, cannibalism and euthanasia.
Here's an example from last May...
"Australian scientist David Goodall committed assisted suicide at a Swiss death clinic, and the media are swooning.

It is worth noting that there were apparently no suicide-prevention attempts and that he was accompanied to Switzerland by Australian suicide guru, Philip Nitschke — who once told Kathryn Jean Lopez that he thought “troubled teens” should have access to suicide pills “available in grocery stores.”
Goodall held a last press conference, complete with a media photography feeding frenzy of popping flashes.
This is all very destructive because it boosts elder-suicide specifically — and suicide generally — as a positive. As does the (constantly repeated in the media) headline phrase, “die on his [own] terms.”
Goodall was not terminally ill, but wanted to die because he couldn’t do most of the things he enjoyed. And that is being celebrated — meaning, assisted suicide isn’t about terminal illness and never was." EN&V