Friday, November 9, 2018

IN the NEWS - More Bones Found

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"More bones have been found in the Vatican nunciature in Rome, as Italian authorities have identified the first set of bones as the remains of a woman, likely in her 30s.
A nunciature is similar to an embassy. The nunciature in Rome — located outside Vatican City — is the residence of the Pope's nuncio, or ambassador, to Italy.
On Oct. 29, workers found human remains in the nunciature's basement during renovations. Italian police were called to the scene and removed the remains for examination.

Even more bone fragments were found at the site this Tuesday. The fragments are thought to belong to the same individual as the remains discovered last week (though it is also possible they are from another person).
Also on Tuesday, an Italian coroner announced that the bones found on Oct. 29 had undergone preliminary examination, where experts reckoned they belonged to an adult woman, probably in her 30s at the time of death.
When the first bones were found, there was speculation that the remains might be those of Emanuela Orlandi, a teenage girl who went missing in Rome in the 1980s. Since the bones are thought to be of a woman in her 30s, it is unlikely they belong to Emanuela unless her kidnappers secretly kept her alive for some 15 years.
Also in 2012, Rome's chief exorcist said the girl's disappearance was likely connected to a sex abuse ring. Exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth (who died in 2016) told La Stampa, "This was a crime with a sexual motive. Parties were organized, with a Vatican gendarme acting as the 'recruiter' of the girls."
Father Amorth continued, "The network involved diplomatic personnel from a foreign embassy to the Holy See. I believe Emanuela ended up a victim of this circle."CM
IN the NEWS - Is it Emanuela or Mirella?